Buffalo Soldiers 9th & 10th (Horse) Cavalry National Association
An Official Military Unit


FOVE_BuffaloSoldiersHeader Become a Member

Membership in the National Association is open to all Veterans of any war, living Original Buffalo Soldiers, Descendants of a Buffalo Soldier, or any adult (18 years or older) who wants to participate in the perpetuation, education, and celebration of the Buffalo Soldiers.
Membership Requirements:
Membership into the Association shall be of 4 types, without limited number, open at all times to any qualified person who may apply, pay annual dues and adhere to and comply to all the prescribed rules and regulations outlined in our By-Laws. 
To align our great association financially so we can continue to support our mission and future goals, COMING January 1, 2025:
New Memberships will increase to $100.00 
Renewal of Active Memberships will remain at $50.00 if you renew within the time period specified by our Membership Vice President.  If you do not renew within the specified time period you will have to purchase a new membership at $100.00.
Lifetime Membership will increase to:
Age 62 and older $400.00
Age 61 and younger $500.00
We thank you for your continued support as we tell our story to perpetuate and celebrate the Great legacy of Buffalo Soldiers.
“Preserving, Promoting & Perpetuating the History of the Buffalo Soldiers”

Membership Types:
  1. Regular
  2. Allied
  3. Association
  4. Family
(An Official Army Unit Association)
New Membership Application
Purpose: To perpetuate the memory of comrades who have passed on and the history of the many accomplishments of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry Regiments in defense of our country.
Membership In The Association shall be of four (4) types, without limit in number, open at all times to any qualified person who may apply, pay annual dues, and comply with the rules of conduct prescribed in the By-Laws, are as listed:
  • Regular Membership – Any person who has ever served with any unit of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry Regiments
    or Squadrons, provided such person shall continue to serve honorably or have an honorable discharge or separation from military service.
  • Allied Membership – Any person who has served with any unit of the Twenty Seventh or Twenty Eighth Cavalry
    Regiments or Squadrons, or any unit whose original cadre, structured with members of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry
    regiments… provided such person shall continue to serve honorably or have an honorable discharge or separation
    from military service.
  • Association Members – Any person who has rendered outstanding service to the Association or to the country
    through service in either the Armed Forces or his/her community. Such members shall have a vote on the floor after
    one (1) year of membership.
  • Family Membership – At age eighteen (18)… any person who is a descendent of a Regular, Allied or Associate
    Member is eligible for membership in the Association as an associate member.
    Honorary Membership – Any person who has performed distinguished service for the United States or for this
    Association may be accepted as an Honorary Member. Honorary members shall not pay annual dues and shall not
    have a vote from the floor at any time. Any person who served honorably in the War with Spain (Cuba) or the
    Punitive Expedition (Mexico) is automatically Honorary Members
Annual Dues:
  • Annual Dues – Annual dues are $50 per year and shall be payable upon joining the Association and thereafter on
    the first (1st) day of January, each year. Annual dues shall include membership in the Association and subscription
    to official publication. Make checks payable to… 9th & 10th (Horse) Cavalry Association; do not forward CASH
    in the mail or make check payable to membership chair.
Complete Online by selecting he appropriate menu option
or download PDF file here to complete and mail it in.
Association Membership Application Form
For more information, Contact
2nd Vice President – Membership
Trooper Frank Bell
Asst. 2nd Vice President – Membership
Trooper Manny Locke

© 1997-2025 National Buffalo Soldiers 9th & 10th (Horse) Cavalry Association

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