The Power of Prayer
Troopers, Gentlemen and Ladies just to let you know that the TN-Ky Line Chapter delegation that traveled to Columbia South Carolina for the Funeral are back in Clarksville, TN. The Chapter has benefited from your prayers for their safe travel, arrival and return. The National President and his entire family were very happy to see everyone from the several Buffalo Soldier Chapters present.
Troopers the Power of Prayer is an awesome tool for assurance, comfort, deliverance and peace of mind. Don’t ever hesitate to employ prayer in the midst of life’s trials and tribulations. I recommend that you rest your case in Christ the Lord and walk in the confidence and the Power of His Mighty Power. I am praying for you. And, likewise I invite you to pray. And, pray heartily for President Williams and Family as they navigate the hours following their lost. Pray for our country and its leadership, Lord knows there is a real need to pray. But, never fear because God is still ultimately in control, and HE allows for us Not to be tested beyond our capacity to bear it.
The Scripture in Psalms 103:14 reads: “for He know our frame; He remembers that we are dust.”
CH Eddie Sumbler,
Nat’l Chaplain, 9th-10th HCAV